64784 [0x000F]: Invalid Transaction Isolation Level 64785 [0x0010]: Invalid Transaction ID 64786 [0x0011]: Duplicate Transaction ID 64787 [0x0012]: Application is not licensed to use this feature 64788 [0x0013]: Local Transaction already active 64789 [0x0014]: Multiple Transactions not Enabled 64790 [0x0015]: Connection failed 64791 [0x0016]: Driver initialization failed 64792 [0x0017]: Optimistic Locking failed 64793 [0x0018]: Invalid REF 64794 [0x0019]: No table found 64795 [0x001A] Missing parameter marker in SQL 64796 [0x001B] Not implemented 64797 [0x001C] Incompatible driver 64800 Error setting path: "%s" 64802 [0x0001]: Warning 64803 [0x0002]: Insufficient Memory for Operation 64804 [0x0003]: Invalid Field Type 64805 [0x0004]: Invalid Handle 64806 [0x0005]: Operation Not Supported 64807 [0x0006]: Invalid Time 64808 [0x0007]: Invalid Data Translation 64809 [0x0008]: Parameter/Column out of Range 64810 [0x0009]: Invalid Parameter 64811 [0x000A]: Result set at EOF 64812 dbExpress Error [0x000B]: Parameter Not Set 64813 [0x000C] Invalid Username/Password 64814 [0x000D]: Invalid Precision 64815 [0x000E]: Invalid Length 64816 Error connecting with SSL. 64817 SetCipher failed. 64818 Error creating SSL context. 64819 Could not load root certificate. 64820 Could not load certificate. 64821 Could not load key, check password. 64822 Error geting SSL method. 64823 Error setting File Descriptor for SSL 64824 Error binding data to SSL socket. 64825 EOF was observed that violates the protocol 64826 Mode has not been set. 64827 Could not load SSL library. 64828 SSL status: "%s" 64829 Unable to retrieve folder details for "%s". Error code $%x 64830 %s: Missing call to LoadColumnDetails 64831 Rename to %s failed 64832 Max line read attempts exceeded. 64833 Max line length exceeded. 64834 Connect timed out. 64835 Cannot call TerminateAndWaitFor on FreeAndTerminate threads 64836 Already connected. 64837 Maximum number of line allowed exceeded 64838 The IOHandler already has a different Intercept assigned 64839 Transparent proxy cannot bind. 64840 UDP Not supported by this proxy. 64841 Buffer terminator must be specified. 64842 Buffer start position is invalid. 64843 Reply Code is not valid: %s 64844 Reply Code already exists: %s 64845 This authentication method is already registered with class name %s. 64846 Unsupported hash algorithm. This implementation supports only MD5 encoding. 64847 Error accepting connection with SSL. 64848 General SOCKS server failure. 64849 Connection not allowed by ruleset. 64850 Network unreachable. 64851 Host unreachable. 64852 Connection refused. 64853 TTL expired. 64854 Command not supported. 64855 Address type not supported. 64856 %d: Circular links are not allowed 64857 Not enough data in buffer. 64858 Too much data in buffer. 64859 File "%s" not found 64860 Not Connected 64861 Object type not supported. 64862 No data to read. 64863 Read timed out. 64864 %s is not a valid service. 64865 IPv6 unavailable 64866 %s is not a valid IPv6 address 64867 The requested IPVersion / Address family is not supported. 64868 Not all bytes sent. 64869 Package Size Too Big. 64870 Set Size Exceeded. 64871 No encoding specified. 64872 UDP is not support in this SOCKS version. 64873 Request rejected or failed. 64874 Request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect. 64875 Request rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids. 64876 Unknown socks error. 64877 Socks server did not respond. 64878 Invalid socks authentication method. 64879 Authentication error to socks server. 64880 Connection timed out. 64881 Connection refused. 64882 Too many levels of symbolic links. 64883 File name too long. 64884 Host is down. 64885 No route to host. 64886 Directory not empty 64887 Host not found. 64888 Stack Class is undefined. 64889 Stack already created. 64890 Only one TIdAntiFreeze can exist per application. 64891 Cannot change IPVersion when connected 64892 Can not bind in port range (%d - %d) 64893 Connection Closed Gracefully. 64894 Could not bind socket. Address and port are already in use. 64895 Invalid Port Range (%d - %d) 64896 Socket type not supported. 64897 Operation not supported on socket. 64898 Protocol family not supported. 64899 Address family not supported by protocol family. 64900 Address already in use. 64901 Cannot assign requested address. 64902 Network is down. 64903 Network is unreachable. 64904 Net dropped connection or reset. 64905 Software caused connection abort. 64906 Connection reset by peer. 64907 No buffer space available. 64908 Socket is already connected. 64909 Socket is not connected. 64910 Cannot send or receive after socket is closed. 64911 Too many references, cannot splice. 64912 Socket Error # %d \n%s 64913 Interrupted system call. 64914 Bad file number. 64915 Access denied. 64916 Buffer fault. 64917 Invalid argument. 64918 Too many open files. 64919 Operation would block. 64920 Operation now in progress. 64921 Operation already in progress. 64922 Socket operation on non-socket. 64923 Destination address required. 64924 Message too long. 64925 Protocol wrong type for socket. 64926 Bad protocol option. 64927 Protocol not supported. 64928 An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Borland Database Engine (error $%.4x) 64929 0009 64930 BDE error $%.4x 64931 Missing DataSetField property 64932 Not in cached update mode 64933 Cannot access field '%s' in a filter 64934 Untitled Application 64935 The transaction isolation level must be dirty read for local databases 64936 Error on call to Winsock2 library function %s 64937 Error on loading Winsock2 library (%s) 64938 Resolving hostname %s. 64939 Connecting to %s. 64940 Connected. 64941 Disconnecting. 64942 Disconnected. 64943 %s 64944 Cannot enable AutoSessionName property with more than one session on a form or data-module 64945 Cannot add a session to the form or data-module while session '%s' has AutoSessionName enabled 64946 Cannot modify SessionName while AutoSessionName is enabled 64947 Duplicate database name '%s' 64948 Duplicate session name '%s' 64949 Invalid session name %s 64950 Database name missing 64951 Session name missing 64952 Cannot perform this operation on an open database 64953 Cannot perform this operation on a closed database 64954 Database handle owned by a different session 64955 Cannot perform this operation on an active session 64956 Error creating cursor handle 64957 ReferenceTableName not specified for field '%s' 64958 No value for parameter '%s' 64959 Cannot connect to database '%s' 64960 Cancel edit 64961 Refresh data 64962 Delete record? 64963 Delete all selected records? 64964 Operation not allowed in a DBCtrlGrid 64965 Control cannot be used in a DBCtrlGrid 64966 Property already defined by lookup field 64967 Grid requested to display more than 256 columns 64968 Remote Login 64969 OLE control activation failed 64970 Could not obtain OLE control window handle 64971 License information for %s is invalid 64972 License information for %s not found. You cannot use this control in design mode 64973 Cannot change the size of a JPEG image 64974 JPEG error #%d 64975 JPEG Image File 64976 Invalid format type for BCD 64977 Could not parse SQL TimeStamp string 64978 Invalid SQL date/time values 64979 Grid requested to display more than 256 columns 64980 OLE error %.8x 64981 Method '%s' not supported by automation object 64982 Variant does not reference an automation object 64983 Dispatch methods do not support more than 64 parameters 64984 First record 64985 Prior record 64986 Next record 64987 Last record 64988 Insert record 64989 Delete record 64990 Edit record 64991 Post edit 64992 Aggregate expressions not allowed in filters 64993 IN predicate list may not be empty 64994 Invalid use of keyword 64995 False 64996 True 64997 Parameter '%s' not found 64998 Unable to load bind parameters 64999 Field '%s' is of an unsupported type 65000 SQL not supported 65001 Execute not supported 65002 Field '%s' is not the correct type of calculated field to be used in an aggregate, use an internalcalc 65003 Operation not allowed on a unidirectional dataset 65004 Unassigned variant value 65005 Record not found 65006 BCD overflow 65007 %s is not a valid BCD value 65008 Unterminated string constant 65009 Invalid filter expression character: '%s' 65010 '(' expected but %s found 65011 ')' expected but %s found 65012 ')' or ',' expected but %s found 65013 Expression expected but %s found 65014 Field '%s' cannot be used in a filter expression 65015 NULL only allowed with '=' and '<>' 65016 Constant out of range 65017 Incorrectly formed filter expression 65018 nothing 65019 Type mismatch in expression 65020 Operation cannot mix aggregate value with record-varying value 65021 Arithmetic in filter expressions not supported 65022 Expression is not an aggregate expression 65023 Constant is not correct type %s 65024 Field '%s' cannot be a calculated or lookup field 65025 Field '%s' cannot be modified 65026 Field '%s' is not indexed and cannot be modified 65027 Duplicate index name '%s' 65028 Duplicate name '%s' in %s 65029 Circular datalinks are not allowed 65030 Lookup information for field '%s' is incomplete 65031 DataSource cannot be changed 65032 Cannot perform this operation on an open dataset 65033 Dataset not in edit or insert mode 65034 Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset 65035 Cannot perform this operation on an empty dataset 65036 Cannot modify a read-only dataset 65037 Nested dataset must inherit from %s 65038 Filter expression incorrectly terminated 65039 Unterminated field name 65040 Field name missing 65041 Duplicate field name '%s' 65042 Field '%s' not found 65043 Cannot access field '%s' as type %s 65044 Invalid value for field '%s' 65045 %g is not a valid value for field '%s'. The allowed range is %g to %g 65046 %s is not a valid value for field '%s'. The allowed range is %s to %s 65047 '%s' is not a valid integer value for field '%s' 65048 '%s' is not a valid boolean value for field '%s' 65049 '%s' is not a valid floating point value for field '%s' 65050 Type mismatch for field '%s', expecting: %s actual: %s 65051 Size mismatch for field '%s', expecting: %d actual: %d 65052 Invalid variant type or size for field '%s' 65053 Value of field '%s' is out of range 65054 Field '%s' must have a value 65055 Field '%s' has no dataset 65056 Invalid stream operation 65057 Color not in color table 65058 Color table is empty 65059 Image is empty 65060 Frame contains multiple Graphic Control Extension blocks 65061 Missing, invalid or empty palette 65062 GIF Image 65063 Loading 65064 Saving 65065 Converting 65066 Rendering 65067 Copying 65068 Optimizing 65069 Invalid field size 65070 Invalid FieldKind 65071 Field '%s' is of an unknown type 65072 Failed to allocate memory for GIF DIB 65073 Decoder bit buffer under-run 65074 Circular decoder table entry 65075 Invalid Image trailer 65076 Internal error: Extension Instance does not match Extension Label 65077 Unsupported Application Extension block size 65078 Unknown GIF block type 65079 Object type not supported for operation 65080 Invalid GIF data 65081 Invalid image size 65082 Image exceeds Logical Screen size 65083 No global or local color table defined 65084 Invalid pixel coordinates 65085 Unsupported PixelFormat 65086 Invalid image dimensions 65087 Image has no DIB 65088 Size 65089 Type 65090 Look in: 65091 Modified 65092 More colors... 65093 Automatic 65094 Premature end of data 65095 Color table overflow 65096 Invalid color index 65097 Invalid color index - color map expanded 65098 Cannot save empty GIF 65099 Invalid GIF signature 65100 Invalid number of colors specified in Screen Descriptor 65101 Invalid number of colors specified in Image Descriptor 65102 Unknown extension type 65103 Invalid extension introducer 65104 Basic colors 65105 Custom colors 65106 Add to Custom Colors 65107 FirstRecord 65108 PriorRecord 65109 NextRecord 65110 LastRecord 65111 InsertRecord 65112 DeleteRecord 65113 EditRecord 65114 PostEdit 65115 CancelEdit 65116 RefreshRecord 65117 Delete record? 65118 Delete all selected records? 65119 Name 65120 Up One Level 65121 Create New Folder 65122 View Menu 65123 File name: 65124 File type: 65125 New Folder 65126 Details 65127 Large icons 65128 Small icons 65129 List 65130 Do you want to overwrite old file? 65131 Warning 65132 Error 65133 Information 65134 Confirm 65135 Do not display this message again 65136 Select All 65137 &Yes 65138 &No 65139 OK 65140 Close 65141 Cancel 65142 &Abort 65143 &Retry 65144 &Ignore 65145 &All 65146 N&oToAll 65147 &YesToAll 65148 &Help 65149 &Open 65150 &Save 65151 Go To Last Folder Visited 65152 &Close 65153 &Restore 65154 Minimize to &Tray 65155 Ro&llUp 65156 Minimize 65157 Maximize 65158 Close 65159 Minimize to Tray 65160 Roll Up 65161 System menu 65162 Restore 65163 Undo 65164 Copy 65165 Cut 65166 Paste 65167 Delete 65168 The "Portable Network Graphics" image contains an invalid palette. 65169 The file being readed is not a valid "Portable Network Graphics" image because it contains an invalid header. This file may be corruped, try obtaining it again. 65170 This "Portable Network Graphics" image is not supported or it might be invalid. \n(IHDR chunk is not the first) 65171 This "Portable Network Graphics" image is not supported because either it's width or height exceeds the maximum size, which is 65535 pixels length. 65172 There is no such palette entry. 65173 This "Portable Network Graphics" image contains an unknown critical part which could not be decoded. 65174 This "Portable Network Graphics" image is encoded with an unknown compression scheme which could not be decoded. 65175 This "Portable Network Graphics" image uses an unknown interlace scheme which could not be decoded. 65176 The chunks must be compatible to be assigned. 65177 This "Portable Network Graphics" image is invalid because the decoder found an unexpected end of the file. 65178 This "Portable Network Graphics" image contains no data. 65179 Some operation could not be performed because the system is out of resources. Close some windows and try again. 65180 This operation is not valid because the current image contains no valid header. 65181 The new size provided for image resizing is invalid. 65182 Mi&nimize 65183 Ma&ximize 65184 Failed to Load Stream 65185 Failed to Save Stream 65186 %s is already associated with %s 65187 %d is an invalid PageIndex value. PageIndex must be between 0 and %d 65188 This control requires version 4.70 or greater of COMCTL32.DLL 65189 Duplicate property value translation ID (%d) 65190 Loading translations failed. \nLine %d: %s 65191 Invalid constant name ("%s") 65192 Duplicate constant name ("%s") 65193 Constant "%s" not found 65194 Call to LangManager() is allowed at runtime only 65195 Stream version (%d) is greater than the current one (%d) 65196 This "Portable Network Graphics" image is not valid because it contains invalid pieces of data (crc error) 65197 The "Portable Network Graphics" image could not be loaded because one of its main piece of data (ihdr) might be corrupted 65198 This "Portable Network Graphics" image is invalid because it has missing image parts. 65199 Could not decompress the image because it contains invalid compressed data. \n Description: 65200 %s requires Windows Vista or later 65201 %s requires themes to be enabled 65202 Button%d 65203 RadioButton%d 65204 Caption cannot be empty 65205 Failed to clear tab control 65206 Failed to delete tab at index %d 65207 Failed to retrieve tab at index %d 65208 Failed to get object at index %d 65209 Failed to set tab "%s" at index %d 65210 Failed to set object at index %d 65211 MultiLine must be True when TabPosition is tpLeft or tpRight 65212 Invalid index 65213 Unable to insert an item 65214 Invalid owner 65215 RichEdit line insertion error 65216 Circular references not allowed 65217 %s does not allow hiding 65218 Error setting %s.Count 65219 Listbox (%s) style must be virtual in order to set Count 65220 Unable to save settings 65221 Would you like to reset to the default Priority Schedule? 65222 No OnGetItem event handler assigned 65223 No ActionBand style unit present in the uses clause. Your application must include either XPStyleActnCtrls, StdStyleActnCtrls or a third party ActionBand style unit in its uses clause 65224 "%s" is an invalid path 65225 ANSI 65226 ASCII 65227 Unicode 65228 Big Endian Unicode 65229 UTF-8 65230 UTF-7 65231 PageControl must first be assigned 65232 - Dock zone not found 65233 - Dock zone has no control 65234 Error loading dock zone from the stream. Expecting version %d, but found %d. 65235 Multiselect mode must be on for this feature 65236 Cannot assign a subitem to an actionbar when one of it's parent's is already assigned to an actionbar 65237 Item %s has subitems, delete anyway? 65238 You are not allowed to delete this item 65239 Item %s is not allowed to be moved 65240 (All Actions) 65241 (No Category) 65242 Expand 65243 Error loading previously saved settings file: %s Would you like to delete it? 65244 Reset all usage data? 65245 (No Name) 65246 ActionManager must first be assigned 65247 Separator 65248 Value must be between %d and %d 65249 All files (*.*)|*.* 65250 All 65251 Unable to insert a line 65252 Invalid clipboard format 65253 Clipboard does not support Icons 65254 Cannot open clipboard: %s 65255 Text exceeds memo capacity 65256 Operation not supported on selected printer 65257 There is no default printer currently selected 65258 Menu '%s' is already being used by another form 65259 Picture: 65260 (%dx%d) 65261 Preview 65262 Docked control must have a name 65263 Error removing control from dock tree 65264 Enter 65265 Space 65266 PgUp 65267 PgDn 65268 End 65269 Home 65270 Left 65271 Up 65272 Right 65273 Down 65274 Ins 65275 Del 65276 Shift+ 65277 Ctrl+ 65278 Alt+ 65279 (None) 65280 Confirm 65281 &Yes 65282 &No 65283 OK 65284 Cancel 65285 &Help 65286 &Abort 65287 &Retry 65288 &Ignore 65289 &All 65290 N&o to All 65291 Yes to &All 65292 &Close 65293 BkSp 65294 Tab 65295 Esc 65296 Unable to connect DDE conversation 65297 Metafiles 65298 Enhanced Metafiles 65299 Icons 65300 Bitmaps 65301 Grid too large for operation 65302 Too many rows or columns deleted 65303 Grid index out of range 65304 Fixed column count must be less than column count 65305 Fixed row count must be less than row count 65306 Cannot insert or delete rows from grid 65307 Invalid input value 65308 Invalid input value. Use escape key to abandon changes 65309 Warning 65310 Error 65311 Information 65312 Can only modify an image if it contains a bitmap 65313 A control cannot have itself as its parent 65314 OK 65315 Cancel 65316 &Yes 65317 &No 65318 &Help 65319 &Close 65320 &Ignore 65321 &Retry 65322 Abort 65323 &All 65324 Cannot drag a form 65325 An error returned from DDE ($0%x) 65326 DDE Error - conversation not established ($0%x) 65327 Error occurred when DDE ran out of memory ($0%x) 65328 Control '%s' has no parent window 65329 Parent given is not a parent of '%s' 65330 Cannot hide an MDI Child Form 65331 Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide 65332 Cannot make a visible window modal 65333 %s property out of range 65334 Menu index out of range 65335 Menu inserted twice 65336 Sub-menu is not in menu 65337 Not enough timers available 65338 Printer is not currently printing 65339 Printing in progress 65340 Printer selected is not valid 65341 %s on %s 65342 GroupIndex cannot be less than a previous menu item's GroupIndex 65343 Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active 65344 Scan line index out of range 65345 Cannot change the size of an icon 65346 Invalid operation on TOleGraphic 65347 Unknown picture file extension (.%s) 65348 Unsupported clipboard format 65349 Out of system resources 65350 Canvas does not allow drawing 65351 Invalid image size 65352 Invalid ImageList 65353 Unable to Replace Image 65354 Invalid ImageList Index 65355 Failed to read ImageList data from stream 65356 Failed to write ImageList data to stream 65357 Error creating window device context 65358 Error creating window class 65359 Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window 65360 Invalid argument to time encode 65361 No context-sensitive help installed 65362 No help found for context 65363 Unable to open Index 65364 Unable to open Search 65365 Unable to find a Table of Contents 65366 No topic-based help system installed 65367 No help found for %s 65368 Tab index out of bounds 65369 Tab position incompatible with current tab style 65370 Tab style incompatible with current tab position 65371 Bitmap image is not valid 65372 Icon image is not valid 65373 Metafile is not valid 65374 Invalid pixel format 65375 Invalid image 65376 Failed to set data for '%s' 65377 Resource %s not found 65378 %s.Seek not implemented 65379 Operation not allowed on sorted list 65380 %s not in a class registration group 65381 Property %s does not exist 65382 Stream write error 65383 Thread creation error: %s 65384 Thread Error: %s (%d) 65385 Cannot terminate an externally created thread 65386 Cannot wait for an externally created thread 65387 No help viewer that supports filters 65388 ''%s'' is not a valid date 65389 ''%s'' is not a valid date and time 65390 ''%s'' is not a valid integer value 65391 ''%s'' is not a valid time 65392 Invalid property value 65393 Invalid property element: %s 65394 Invalid property path 65395 Invalid property type: %s 65396 Invalid property value 65397 Invalid data type for '%s' 65398 Item not found ($0%x) 65399 List capacity out of bounds (%d) 65400 List count out of bounds (%d) 65401 List index out of bounds (%d) 65402 Out of memory while expanding memory stream 65403 Error reading %s%s%s: %s 65404 Stream read error 65405 Property is read-only 65406 Failed to create key %s 65407 Failed to get data for '%s' 65408 Cannot assign a %s to a %s 65409 Bits index out of range 65410 Can't write to a read-only resource stream 65411 CheckSynchronize called from thread $%x, which is NOT the main thread 65412 Class %s not found 65413 A class named %s already exists 65414 List does not allow duplicates ($0%x) 65415 A component named %s already exists 65416 String list does not allow duplicates 65417 Cannot create file "%s". %s 65418 Cannot open file "%s". %s 65419 Unable to write to %s 65420 Invalid file name - %s 65421 Invalid stream format 65422 '%s' is an invalid mask at (%d) 65423 ''%s'' is not a valid component name 65424 Sunday 65425 Monday 65426 Tuesday 65427 Wednesday 65428 Thursday 65429 Friday 65430 Saturday 65431 Unable to create directory 65432 Invalid source array 65433 Invalid destination array 65434 Character index out of bounds (%d) 65435 Start index out of bounds (%d) 65436 Invalid count (%d) 65437 Invalid destination index (%d) 65438 Invalid code page 65439 Ancestor for '%s' not found 65440 April 65441 May 65442 June 65443 July 65444 August 65445 September 65446 October 65447 November 65448 December 65449 Sun 65450 Mon 65451 Tue 65452 Wed 65453 Thu 65454 Fri 65455 Sat 65456 Application is not licensed to use this feature 65457 Jan 65458 Feb 65459 Mar 65460 Apr 65461 May 65462 Jun 65463 Jul 65464 Aug 65465 Sep 65466 Oct 65467 Nov 65468 Dec 65469 January 65470 February 65471 March 65472 Variant overflow 65473 Invalid argument 65474 Invalid variant type 65475 Operation not supported 65476 Unexpected variant error 65477 External exception %x 65478 Assertion failed 65479 Interface not supported 65480 Exception in safecall method 65481 Object lock not owned 65482 Monitor support function not initialized 65483 %s (%s, line %d) 65484 Abstract Error 65485 Access violation at address %p in module '%s'. %s of address %p 65486 System Error. Code: %d. \n%s 65487 A call to an OS function failed 65488 Read 65489 Write 65490 Format string too long 65491 Error creating variant or safe array 65492 Variant or safe array index out of bounds 65493 Variant or safe array is locked 65494 Invalid variant type conversion 65495 Invalid variant operation 65496 Invalid NULL variant operation 65497 Invalid variant operation (%s%.8x)\n%s 65498 Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is out of range 65499 Custom variant type (%s%.4x) already used by %s 65500 Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is not usable 65501 Too many custom variant types have been registered 65502 Could not convert variant of type (%s) into type (%s) 65503 Overflow while converting variant of type (%s) into type (%s) 65504 Floating point division by zero 65505 Floating point overflow 65506 Floating point underflow 65507 Invalid pointer operation 65508 Invalid class typecast 65509 Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p 65510 Access violation 65511 Stack overflow 65512 Control-C hit 65513 Privileged instruction 65514 Operation aborted 65515 Exception %s in module %s at %p. \n%s%s \n 65516 Application Error 65517 Format '%s' invalid or incompatible with argument 65518 No argument for format '%s' 65519 Variant method calls not supported 65520 '%s' is not a valid floating point value 65521 '%d.%d' is not a valid timestamp 65522 '%s' is not a valid GUID value 65523 Invalid argument to date encode 65524 Out of memory 65525 I/O error %d 65526 File not found 65527 Too many open files 65528 File access denied 65529 Read beyond end of file 65530 Disk full 65531 Invalid numeric input 65532 Division by zero 65533 Range check error 65534 Integer overflow 65535 Invalid floating point operation